
Chinese robot dentist is first to fit implants in patient’s mouth without any human involvement

A robot dentist has carried out the first successful autonomous implant surgery by fitting two new teeth into a woman’s mouth, mainland media has reported. Although there were human medical staff present during the operation, they did not play an active role while it was being carried out. The one-hour procedure took place in Xian, […]

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Cheap overseas dental work

Cheap overseas dental work dangerous say dentists

The Australian Dental Association warn that going overseas is simply not worth the risk. It warns patients have returned from overseas with permanent damage to their teeth and mouth. With lower infection control standards than Australia, patients have also contracted blood borne diseases. “Superbugs are becoming more prevalent in overseas hospitals,” said Dr Kin. “Infectious

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high sugar intake

Study proves high dental treatment costs due to high sugar intake

High sugar intake has given rise to dental treatment costs in the billions according to new research conducted in Germany. In a study published in the International Journal of Dental Research, researchers from the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg and the Biotechnology Research and Information Network AG evaluated representative data on the prevalence of caries, inflammation

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Dentists call time on sports drinks marketing and urge levy extension

The British Dental Association has urged action on new research showing nearly 90% of school children are consuming sports drinks, pressing government to combat cynical marketing ploys by manufacturers and bring the drinks within the orbit of the soft drinks industry levy. New evidence published by academics at Cardiff University and Cardiff Metropolitan University in the British Dental

Dentists call time on sports drinks marketing and urge levy extension Read More »

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