Schedule an appointment
If your gums are bleeding, visit our Browns Plains clinic to have it examined. Moreover, at Brite Dental Group, Browns Plains, we can examine your mouth, the gums and the teeth and determine whether they are bleeding due to simple irritation, as in due to plaque accumulation or if there is a greater health concern. You can schedule an appointment by calling 0434 921570 or +61 3800 4140.
Gums are subject to various stimuli in our mouth and the reaction to these different stimuli presents in different ways, depending on the general health of the person. #britedentalgroup #brownsplains
You Should Watch Out for These Gum Disease Symptoms
At Brite Dental, we guide you on how to keep good oral hygiene, how to maintain it and seek our help if any signs present, which are not usual and persist for more than a week.
- Gums that are bleeding,
- Gums that are swollen
- Inflamed or red gums
- The teeth appear longer (receding gums)
- Teeth are wobbly
Diagnose the Problem
Our mouth is lined by a soft tissue called mucosa. The teeth are present in sockets, in the bone, which is covered by the soft gums. In between the gums and the teeth is a small gap, called the sulcus. It is here that the food we eat tends to get accumulated and forms the plaque, with the help of the bacteria present in the mouth.
We recommend you call us for an examination and diagnose the problem and the reason behind it. By self-treating you may not address the actual cause of the problem, which can either prolong the suffering and worsen the situation. Our office can be reached at 0434921570.
Causes of Gum Disease
- Plaque and tartar build-up
- Poor oral hygiene
- Pregnancy
- Diabetes
- Smoking
- Some medications used to treat medical conditions.
Prevention, Treatment and Management of Gum Disease
Gingivitis is the mild form of a gum disease. The gums, also called as gingiva, are the only structures affected. Without treatment, the inflammation may soon become an infection that can spread below the gum line and into your bones. Once this happens, it becomes a more serious form of gum disease known as periodontitis. Here, the supporting structures of the teeth are affected, making them wobbly
Periodontitis and gingivitis have both been linked various health conditions like diabetes, osteoporosis, and others. The best way to prevent these conditions is early detection.
It is possible to prevent gum disease and the symptoms that arise from it in several ways. If you are experiencing bleeding or swelling of the gums, don’t hesitate to make that call to your dentist. Until then, you can manage your symptoms by doing the following:
Floss and brush regularly
Brush your teeth at least twice a day with a soft or electric toothbrush. Brush your teeth, with gentle scrubbing or circular motion, without hurting the gums. Do not use excessive pressure and force. Plaque should not accumulate at the gum line. At least once per day, you should floss in between the teeth.
Use an antiseptic mouthwash
The use of antiseptic mouthwash is another way to kill bacteria. This is an easy way to remove some of the bacteria you have not been able to brush away, and you will notice that your gums feel better instantly after using it. Read the contents of the mouthwash on the label. Avoid alcohol containing mouthwashes.
Have your teeth cleaned twice a year
It is recommended that you visit your dentist, twice per year to clean your teeth, remove the plaque and tartar that have built up . This will help you avoid gum disease and its subtle symptoms like bleeding and swelling.
Stop smoking
- Smoking has many ill effects on our general health.
- It causes bad breath, stains the teeth and also causes gum disease.
- It is also on of the leading causes of mouth cancers.
Schedule a deep cleaning
We may recommend root planing, deep cleaning and scaling if you already have gum disease. In this way, the dentist can remove tartar and plaque that has built up underneath the gum line. It usually takes 2-4 appointments to complete the procedure and it works extremely well to get to the source of the problem. On occasions, we might have to refer you to a specialist for gums called the periodontist, to treat the gum problem.
Bleeding Gums FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
Q: Why are my gums swollen and painful?
A: A swollen gum is caused by excess fluid in the soft tissue of the gums, which is accompanied by redness, pain, sores, ulcers, and bleeding. Swollen gums are usually caused by poor oral hygiene, which can lead to inflammation or infection. You may experience constant or variable symptoms, and they may worsen when you eat or drink. Symptoms of gum pain include sharp, dull, stabbing, burning, or stabbing pain that can range in intensity from mild to severe.
In some cases, swollen gums are localized (sore or ulcer), in others they can affect the entire gum line (gingivitis and periodontitis)..
Q: Why are my gums sensitive when I eat or brush my teeth?
A: You may have tooth sensitivity if your teeth hurt after brushing or eating hot or cold foods. According to the Australian Dental Association, you will need professional treatment for tooth sensitivity caused by tooth decay and gum disease.
Q: Why do my gums bleed when I brush my teeth?
A: Gingivitis and Tooth Decay can be the root cause for gum bleeding when you brush.
Plaque build-up irritates gum tissue, causing swollen and tender gums. The bleeding of gums after brushing is an indication of gingivitis. If you notice this, see your dentist. Gum disease becomes more difficult to treat as it progresses.
Q: Why do my gums bleed when I floss?
A: Your gums become inflamed and irritated by bacteria, plaque, and tartar along the gumline. You will notice your gums losing their pink colour and pulling away from your teeth. Your inflamed, swollen gums begin to bleed when you floss to remove this build-up.